› before you follow ‹

i am a minor, i dont tag food, light nsfw, cursing, or caps. i live tweet.

› don't follow if ‹

basic dni criteria, - 13 and + 22, anti my favs, don't respect pronouns and neopronouns, fans of minx, schlatt, fundy or techno (unless hyperfix)

extra information !

if you qrt my tweets can you let me know if its postive or not, i do not support or condone anything problematic my faves have done, and i do hold them accountable, if you make me uncomfortable i will block you, softblock to unfollow if i follow anyone problematic please let me know, if there is anything i could have done wrong, please dm me and we'll talk about it <3

subtwts !

tubbotwt, carrottwt, wilburtwt , pandastwt, beetwt, bootwt, punztwt, totemtwt, corpsetwt , lvjytwt

comforts !

sapnap, ranboo, tubbo, wilbur, quackity, punz, foolish, corpse, sykkuno, tina kitten, emma langevin, aimsey.